Municipal Franchise Fee
Rider A
Collected by the gas company on behalf of local government as a charge to access municipal land to construct, maintain and operate distribution systems serving the residents of the city, town, or village. The local government council establishes the rate.
Charge for Residential Consumers: varies by Municipal Authority. Updated monthly.
Municipal Property Tax and Specific Costs
Rider B
Applicable to customers in municipalities that receive a property tax under the Municipal Government Act, or receive payment for specific costs which are not generally incurred by the company. It is the estimated percentage of gross revenue required to provide for the tax payable or specific cost incurred each year.
Charge for Residential Consumers: Charge varies by Municipal Authority. Updated monthly.
Unaccounted for Gas (UFG)
Rider D
Designed to recover costs incurred by the company for gas losses on the distribution system. All retailer and default supply provider customers utilizing Distribution Access Service will be assessed a distribution UFG charge at the point of delivery .
Charge for Residential Consumers: Updated annually.
ATCO Gas North: 1.486 % at the point of delivery.
ATCO Gas South: 1.486 % at the point of delivery.
Deemed Value of Gas
Rider E
A deemed value of natural gas rate will be applied to the energy delivered to delivery service customers for the determination of municipal franchise fee.
Charge for Residential Consumers: $2.127 per GJ. Updated monthly.
Load Balancing Deferral Account
Rider L
Relates to the balancing of ATCO Gas' distribution system. A rider related to this can require a recovery of costs from customers or can result in a refund to customers from time to time, based on the rules established by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC).
Charge for Residential Consumers: $0.00 per GJ. Updated as needed.
Transmission Service Charge
Rider T
Designed to collect from customers the costs for transmission service to its distribution system. The AUC has approved implementation of the charge to recover costs associated with transmission service.
Charge for Residential Consumers: Billing Demand Charge for low use: $1.260 per GJ (for <1200 GJ/year); Mid Use Delivery Rate: $1.167 (between 1200 and 8000 GJ/year): High Use Delivery Rate: $0.283 per Day per GJ of 24 Hr. Billing Demand is for use of more than 8000 GJ's annually to no more than 100,000. Ultra-High Use Delivery Rate $0.330 per Day per GJ of 24 Hr. Billing Demand (for >100,000 GJ year). Alternative Technology and Appliance Delivery Service $1.260 per GJ. Updated annually (Available by request only).
Weather Deferral Account
Rider W
Designed to collect from customers the costs for transmission service to its distribution system. The AUC has approved implementation of the charge to recover costs associated with transmission service.
Charge for Residential Consumers: $0.000 per GJ.